
How is Your EHR Software Treating You? 

By AxiomEHR | September 27, 2023

One thing I love about my job is making new connections with those who work in the behavioral and mental health communities, from clinicians to executives. I often attend industry events where I have the opportunity to meet new integrated health professionals and learn about their technology needs – and most importantly, how that technology is working for them.

My first question is always one that is very direct and pointed: “How is your EHR treating you?”

The responses are quite interesting and varied, yet the same.

“It’s a real struggle to get things changed or updated.”

“I have to put a lot of money and time into making it what I want.”

And sometimes, “I don’t know which EHR my company uses – or what it does.”

Universally, EHRs are not loved by the people that use them. Overall, only about 1 in 10 people will tell me their EHR is working well for them. This is especially troublesome considering many EHR users are trying to help the most vulnerable people in our communities and remain viable at the same time.

I’ve often wondered why companies struggle with this specific and very important piece of software. Perhaps it’s the complexities inherent in EHRs and varying opinions on how they should be organized. Or perhaps it’s that very few have the background or experience to effectively manage an EHR for a company with anywhere from 150 users to 3,000 users.

A revolution is coming to the EHR industry where health care organizations are no longer willing to pay premium prices for legacy software that simply doesn’t fulfil what was promised or expected, is visually out of date, hard to navigate, and requires add-on software and a level of expertise that some companies just can’t find, let alone afford.

However, our Axiom EHR software is a gamechanger for the industry. We’re proud to have developed a solution that offers our customers an EHR with one click or less navigation, an easy-to-use interface, the ability to train an employee in less than 45 minutes, responsive customer service, integrations that work for all levels of the business, and a simple billing structure – where you don’t get nickel and dimed for changes or customization. I’m confident it’s the EHR you’ve always wanted.

We’re answering the call and hoping to shift the conversation around EHRs. So the next time we meet, and I ask my favorite question, perhaps you’ll tell me just how well your EHR is treating you.

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