
How AxiomEHR Improves Productivity: Turning Tedium into Automated Workflows

By AxiomEHR | July 16, 2024

What if you could enhance your organization’s productivity, from bottom to top, without making people work harder?

That’s the kind of productivity gain everyone loves, and it’s our focus for 2024 and beyond.

We’re improving productivity through software innovations in our AI-powered electronic health records software, AxiomEHR. Specifically, we are going beyond digitizing repetitive tasks to automate entire workflows. A workflow is an integrated web of tasks as well as deadlines, notifications, people, and business process maps. Why stop at digitizing small tasks when you can automate entire workflows? 

By doing the latter, we’re helping integrated health care organizations, including their case managers and clinicians, spend higher-quality time with patients and colleagues. That means they’re spending less time riveted to their screens – and less burnout.

Tasks become intelligently automated workflows

So what do we mean by workflows? Imagine a patient telling her therapist that her medication isn’t helping her cope with her nagging intrusive thoughts. Her therapist believes she might benefit from a higher dosage. Prior to our automation work, the therapist might record the conversation in the patient file, speak to a psychiatrist about the dosage recommendation, alert the case manager, and let everyone work together with the pharmacy and payor to fill the patient’s prescription.

Instead, the AxiomEHR platform uses artificial intelligence and speech-to-text technology, and to electronically capture the patient-therapist interchange; flag the therapist’s dosage recommendation; automatically designate it as an action item; assign it to the psychiatrist and case manager; connect them in a workflow; and automate every step in the prescription, payment, and fulfillment process. Humans need only oversee and approve key steps.

Automated, Streamlined Workflow:
Patient Needs New Dosage

With tasks automated and integrated this way, therapists have more time to do the work they were trained for – engage in meaningful conversations – with less administrative work hanging over their heads. Our pilot customers report that their therapy sessions are more relaxed, natural, and effective.

Prescribing is just one example of a workflow that can be intelligently integrated and automated throughout an organization. Case managers and therapists are assigned a multitude of administrative tasks that could be fully automated workflows. Among them are treatment plan development, coding, billing, scheduling, calendaring, housing assistance, and insurance claims.

Our goal is to free clinicians to focus on work that matters and delegate the rest to technology. By dramatically reducing busy work, we can make case managers and therapists happier, more engaged, and more effective. Patients benefit by receiving better care.

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