How AxiomEHR Improves Productivity: ‘Just Ask My Avatar’

Chatbots can take multiple forms. They pop up on consumer websites and pretend to be customer service people. Or you can ask a chatbot like ChatGPT just about anything – give me a recipe, write me a program, advise me on window treatments – and you’ll get a succinct, eerily conversational answer that’s miles better […]

How AxiomEHR Improves Productivity: An Innovative Solution for ‘No Shows’

When patients skip their appointments, it drains sorely needed revenue from health care, and no provider escapes it. Patients cancel their appointment at the last minute or, worse, ghost their appointment entirely. They miss needed treatment, risk getting sicker, and occupy a time block that another patient would have eagerly taken. Patients are even skipping […]

How AxiomEHR Improves Productivity: Turning Tedium into Automated Workflows

Automated, Streamlined Workflow: Patient Needs New Dosage With tasks automated and integrated this way, therapists have more time to do the work they were trained for – engage in meaningful conversations – with less administrative work hanging over their heads. Our pilot customers report that their therapy sessions are more relaxed, natural, and effective. Prescribing […]

Best EHR Implementation Practices Will Unleash Excellence

In the rapidly evolving field of health care, outdated technology can hinder employee performance and patient outcomes. Many organizations face the critical decision to replace their Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems to unlock clinical effectiveness, productivity, and financial success. With advancements in artificial intelligence and machine learning, modern EHR systems can transform from sources of […]

AxiomEHR Wins ‘EHR Innovation Award’ in 8th Annual MedTech Breakthrough Awards Program

EHR Innovation Award

Health Information Management Systems (HiMS) today announced the launch of AxiaGram, a powerful all-in-one mobile communication care app that can seamlessly work with any existing Electronic Health Record (EHR) platform. AxiaGram was designed with health care professionals in mind to provide them the freedom to complete required tasks at the right time and in the right place without having to continually switch between multiple software applications.

DO MORE GOOD with the EHR You’ve Always Wanted

Discover the evolution of our Electronic Health Record (EHR) software in our latest white paper. Traditionally, EHRs have posed challenges, from clinician burnout to hampering efficient patient care. But with the rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI), a new era dawns. At HiMS, we’ve embraced this change with AxiomEHR, an innovative AI-powered solution redefining the EHR […]