White Paper

Staying Profitable in the Era of Value-Based Care

By AxiomEHR | October 2, 2020

Ask 100 integrated health organizations how they’re preparing to deliver Value-Based Care and most likely, you’ll receive 100 different strategies back in return. When the set of performance-based payment criteria linking financial incentives to provider performance was originally proposed by CMS, there was no navigational roadmap included, so providers were left to fend for themselves in figuring out how to optimize their organizations to adapt to the new set of requirements and what exactly they needed to measure.

Determining what to measure and how to deliver results to ensure the greatest positive impact on population and organizational financial health is daunting, to say the least. Aligning these two very different goals is just half the battle; ensuring measures are conducive to your population’s conditions, obtaining provider engagement, identifying performance targets and using data to support and improve health also factor into the VBC equation.

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